Monday, April 4, 2016

Photo Composition: Three different views of the same building

As I stood in front of Borderline, the store on the border between Colorado and Wyoming that sells Colorado lottery tickets and scratch-offs, I took several photos.

I took one straight on, for purely information purposes:

Borderline - head on view
But then I took some photos from different angles, to see if the photos could be made to be more "exciting."

Borderline, complete building, and my car
This angle shows the complete Borderline building, with its drive-thru and a few picnic tables for those who wish to sit outside to enjoy the weather.

The car, a 1998 Toyota Camry, is my car. You'll be seeing that car in a lot more photos during the course of this blog!  It will be one of my "photographic conceits" - always getting a shot of that car in one of my photos.

Windfarm to the southwest of Borderline
I don't have a wide-angle lens on my camera. As a matter of fact, I didn't take these photos with my camera (a Cybershot DSC-HX300) but rather with my smartphone, a Galaxy IIIS. And of course that doesn't have a wide-angle lens...though I could have done a panorama shot.

In any event, working with what I had, I got the name of the business, Borderline, in the photo, and to the left, of course, a shot of one of the ubiquitous wind farms in the region.

I'm leaving the comments section open on this blog - which photo do you like best?

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